Care about where your money goes and how your clothing is made. Revenue from these garments helps us assist independent musicians in bringing their creativity to the world. With your purchases, their music is pushed further, their business efforts are accelerated, and their personal stories are told. This isn't a fad. It is a movement supporting independent music. On behalf of and the independent artists of Louisiana, we thank you.


Bro, that's some killa writing right there man! WOW! I'll never get tired of thanking you!

Vinnie Labella, founder/ guitarist - Exhorder

It's great because it feels less like an interview and more like a good conversation. Appreciate it brother

Steve Mignano - guitarist, Drab, Garguts

I adore the interview. I can't thank you enough - blushing :) All the best my friend!

Chris Beary - show producer/ organizer, museum curator, philanthropist

It was more of a sit down with someone that I was comfortable with. And seems like a great friendship will be established. So I enjoyed the sit down man. Anything you ever need when you're in New Orleans you know my number.

Jayarson - rapper

Thank you for all that you do! I haven't stopped talking to other musicians about how enjoyable the experience was. Looking forward to seeing the content you continue to post!

Erica Calle - vocalist, Petty Betty